Case not build correctly?

MantiumFlow CFD Software SupportCase not build correctly?
From MVRC Staff asked 4 years ago

Hi, I tried to run a CFD case of my car, but unfortunately things go wrong. Importing geometry works and I can build a case, MantiumFlow gives no errors here. In the case-folder some new files and folders are created, including the file. However, when pressing the button “run case” in the MantiumFlow GUI, the following message appears: “Error: Case has not been build yet!”. When trying to run the file in the “BlueCFD-core 2016 terminal”, the following error appears several times: “[0] –> FOAM FATAL ERROR: [0] simpleFoam: cannot open case directory “C:/Users/User/Documents/MVRC/CFD_cases/Testcase2/processor0″” Also this folder is not in the case directory, so I guess the case is not build correct? I followed all the steps in readme.txt and reinstalled everything but this didn’t help. Does anyone know what is going wrong or is there a kind of tutorial for beginners?

10 Answers
MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

I have had the same issue under Windows onca as well. I do not exactly remeber how I fixed it but it is fixed and should not happen with the next version anymore which should be released latest next Sunday.
Like I said, I forgot what caused this. Check if you are using all nessary geoemtry files, no file starts with a number or other character than a letter and that the location of your OF installation is set correctly. I think one of these caused this problem for me.

From MVRC Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for the reaction! I checked my files and rebuild my car and the run case button now works (2018 release) ! Also BlueCFD is doing a lot more now but still it ends with the same error as before, the folder(?) processor0 cannot be found… Indeed it is not in my case folder if I search for in manually. Unfortunately, now, before this error there are more errors:
”ill defined primitiveEntry starting at keyword ’forceCoeffs_Assembly2’ on line 53 and ending at line 516”
file: C:/Users/User/Documents/MVRC-wagen/CFD_cases/Testcase/system/forceCoeffs at line 516.
From function void Foam::primitiveEntry::readEntry(const Foam::dictionary&, Foam::Istream&)
in file db/dictionary/primitiveEntry/primitiveEntryIO.C at line 189.
FOAM exiting
this appears a few times and before that this error appears many times:
Wrong number of arguments, expected 2 found 4
Does anybody know where to search for a solution? Is it the model, MantiumFlow or BlueCFD where things go wrong? I made the model in Solidworks, saved the solid geometry parts to a .STL file and this looks fine in the MantiumFlow GUI.

From MVRC Staff answered 4 years ago

i just had the same issue and it was the location of blucfd in the default_settings.ini for Mantium Flow

From MVRC Staff answered 4 years ago

The installation folder is okay to put there right? I’m quite sure this is set right..

MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

Please wait for the new version which will likely get released tomorrow morning.

From MVRC Staff answered 4 years ago

Unfortunately I still cannot run the case with the new MantiumFlow version. The errors now are as follow: First 12 times (using 6 CPU’s) the following error: ”–> FOAM FATAL ERROR:
Wrong number of arguments, expected 2 found 3
Invalid option: -”
Then 2 times: ”–> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR:
”ill defined primitiveEntry starting at keyword ’forceCoeffs_Car_v2’ on line 39 and ending at line 208”
file: C:/Users/User/Documents/MVRC-wagen/Car_v2/CFD/system/forceCoeffs at line 208.
From function void Foam::primitiveEntry::readEntry(const Foam::dictionary&, Foam::Istream&)
in file db/dictionary/primitiveEntry/primitiveEntryIO.C at line 189.” Probably this is more useful??
After that: ”[0] –> FOAM FATAL ERROR:
[0] snappyHexMesh: cannot open case directory ”C:/Users/User/Documents/MVRC-wagen/Car_v2/CFD/processor0” ”.
This error is repeated for: renumberMesh, checkMesh, potentialFoam, simpleFoam (2 times), postProcess, and simpleFoam again. All those jobs are aborted after the error.

MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

You will receive a link to upload your case.

MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

Ok, the issue was easy to detect. You are using invalid characters in most the the stl file names. Apart from the spaces you are using many ”-”. These now seem to be an issue with the new rake transformations, so you have to get rid of them as well.
The software will soon receive an update to replace such invalid characters. For now, you simply have to replace them yourself.

From MVRC Staff answered 4 years ago

Thanks! Works fine now

MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

I have identified the error. As you saw most stl files did not make it to where they have to go. The next version of the software fixes this. It will probably get released tomorrow morning.