Can't access settings after first build

MantiumFlow CFD Software SupportCan't access settings after first build
From MVRC Staff asked 4 years ago

After a first build is done settings page stops working. Have to close the GUI and open again to change anything.

6 Answers
MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

I can conform this issue

MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

This is now fixed in version 2017.3. I will release it with the other pending fixes.

From MVRC Staff answered 4 years ago

I also cannot set nCpu to 14. Should it be possible? I can use either 16 or 12.

MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

Please start a new question about the CPUs.

MCAE Support answered 4 years ago

Is fixed. the new version will probably get released today.

From MVRC Staff answered 4 years ago

This is fixed.